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Supporting our community
to improve lives.

Read below about where your giving can make the greatest impact.

Annual Pledge, Mission Giving, and Human Needs Food Pantry.

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Annual Appeal 2024

This year’s "Rejoice in the Lord Always" pledge campaign seeks

pledges of time, talent and financial support to assist Central leaders in planning for the work of the

church - glorifying God through worship, nurture and service to all people. As we make a pledge, we

demonstrate our commitment to care for what we love. 



To read the 2024 Pledge Letter from the Stewardships and Finance Committees:


Mission Giving

Central is committed to supporting our community with strategic, impactful giving. Current and previous recipients of our missional giving include:


​Alcoholics Anonymous and Al-Anon, Family Promise of Essex, Park Street Academy, Human Needs Food Pantry, The Presbytery of the Northeast, Presbyterian Disaster Relief Foundation, Mountainside Hospital Chaplaincy, Salvation Army - Cornerstone Housing, Heifer International, Safe House at Clara Maas, HomeCorp, Brick City Kids Foundation of UMNDJ, Face to Face/ Faith to Faith - Auburn Seminary, Senior Care, Doctors Without Borders, Community Food Bank, Montclair Community PreK, UNICEF, National Youth Recovery Foundation

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Human Needs Pantry

The Human Needs Food Pantry (HNFP) re-opened its doors to clients on a limited basis. Although the Pantry recently began accepting non-perishable food donations, due to pandemic safety precautions, we will continue to accept monetary donations - no food donations. If you would like to contribute, Central will be collecting money to donate to HNFP.

If you would like to help, please click "Give Now" and choose the

Red Wagon fund.

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Past Food and Coat Drives:


Advent Canned Food Drive @ Central

Winter Food & Coat Drive with Junior League of Montclair/Newark

To give, click the link below or mail a check payable to Central Presbyterian Church with the mission area allocated in the lower left hand corner, or mail to:


Central Presbyterian Church

46 Park Street

Montclair, NJ 07042 

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