Preschoolers - Nursery (9:45-11:15 am)
Our Sunday nursery is staffed by a trained preschool teacher. The space has recently been refreshed with colorful and welcoming decor. Preschoolers may be checked-in ahead of service, or stay for a brief "Time with Young Disciples" at the beginning of worship - a Bible story and brief lesson shared on the front steps of the sanctuary.

Primary Aged Children (K-5th grades)
We provide Sunday school all except 1st Sunday/ Communion Sundays. The K-5 children are invited to participate in a brief "Time with Young Disciples" Bible lesson on the front steps of the Sanctuary during service, and then dismissed from there for Sunday school.

Middle and High School Youth (6-12th grades)
6th-12th graders are encouraged to attend worship and also to attend Youth Group on the first and third Sunday evenings of each month. This high-energy group meets to study the Bible, pray, play games, share dinner, and join in mission planning and events. The Youth Group participates in a summer mission project every year and can be involved in leading worship.

Photos by Gwen Charles 2019