Events @ Central
Ongoing and upcoming events and programs at Central for individuals & families.

Ash Wednesday
Wednesday, February 14
7.30pm - Chapel
(entrance by Church Office)
Palm Sunday
Sunday, March 24
10am - Sanctuary
Sunday, March 31
10am - Sanctuary

Central Book Study Group
Wednesdays Feb 21 - March 27
6-6.30pm Dinner Provided by Central
6.30-8pm Fellowship & Study
Childcare Available
Facilitated by Pam Osborne
In-person & Zoom Options
This Lent, you are invited to pause each Wednesday night to spend time with one another, and with a Psalm.
Using the book, Pause: Spending Lent with the Psalms by Elizabeth F. Caldwell as our guide, we will explore one Psalm per week along with a related theme and spiritual practice. “The culture in which we’re embedded,” writes the author in her introduction, “doesn’t invite or encourage us to pause, to lay aside our perpetual activity. The season of Lent offers a limited time frame for taking up a practice that can help you to focus more deeply on your life of faith…by slowing down and being present.”
Come be present with us!
The reading is not demanding: book chapters average 8 pages including the full text of the week’s Psalm. And your participation is welcome whether you’ve read or not, and whether you can make every week or just a few. Books will be available at the church for a $10 suggested donation, as will a signup sheet in the office and during coffee hour to help us plan for childcare and food.
Questions may be directed to Pam Osborne (enrobso[at]
or Erin Carlisle Norton (ecarlislenorton[at]

Seasonal Events @ Central:
Book Clubs Series with Dinner and Childcare
Saturday Morning Men's Bible Study
Parent's Night Out
Vacation Bible School
Annual Picnic & Thanksgiving Lunch
Attending Community Events Together