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Who We Are
What We Believe

Central Presbyterian Church is part of the Presbyterian Church (USA)

a member of The Presbytery of Northeast New Jersey

and a Convenant Network congregation 


Read our Monthly Newsletters

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Central Presbyterian Church

Mission Statement

“As disciples of Jesus Christ and good stewards of God’s Grace, we are a caring, inclusive congregation that strives to grow in Christian faith, proclaim the Good News, and provide service in ministry to each other, our diverse community, and the world.”


Covenant Network

Central Presbyterian Church is a Covenant Network congregation, a community within the Presbyterian Church USA, that seeks to be inclusive, particularly with regard to welcoming LGBT persons as members and leaders. 

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Statement to our Congregation and Community on Justice and Reconciliation, from the Session of Central Presbyterian Church

April 20, 2021


Read the full Statement to the Congregation here


Image: Banners hanging outside of Sanctuary at Central

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