Grow in Faith @ Central

Sunday Worship
God’s unconditional love for us sustains us in our Presbyterian faithWhen we gather together every Sunday, our worship service includes this message in our prayers, sermons, scripture readings, choral anthems, and hymns and responses. Together with our ministers and each other, aloud in unison and in silent meditation, we proclaim our faith in Jesus Christ, and find comfort, forgiveness, guidance, inspiration and peace within the walls of Central Presbyterian Church.

Fellowship Events
Fellowship is one of the things that Central does best. Coffee Hour is held weekly after worship, and throughout the year we offer book clubs with dinner and events including the annual church-wide picnic in June and the Thanksgiving Dinner in November.

Giving to our Community
Giving of time, talent, and financial support assists Central in planning for the work of the church - glorifying God through worship, nurture, and service to all people. We support our community and those in need through programming and mission.